Promoting Ethical AI Training Practices

Ensuring Responsible Development of Artificial Intelligence

The Ethical AI Training Organization (EAIT) is an advocacy group dedicated to promoting transparency, accountability and pragmatic legislation in the field of artificial intelligence. We are committed to fostering a culture of ethical AI training and responsible AI development. By recognizing and promoting companies and individuals that prioritize ethical considerations in their AI practices, the organization aims to inspire a wider adoption of ethical AI principles throughout the industry. Our certification program empowers companies to contribute to a future where AI technologies serve the best interests of humanity while upholding ethical values.

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The dangers of AI that is not trained ethically...

Building a better future with ethical AI

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  • Nominate an AI developer or company for an award.

  • Nominate a journalist, blogger, podcast host, or a social media influencer.

  • Request Ethical AI Training Certification or an award badge for your company.

Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.

a person holding a robotic hand in front of a mirror
a person holding a robotic hand in front of a mirror